Meet Our 2024-2025 Fellows!
THE IRISH QUESTION – Capital Irish Film Festival 2025
Video of Bridging the Atlantic VI conference
A talk by Dr. Dawn Miranda Sherratt-Bado on Irish Women’s Partition Fiction
A talk by Professor Robert Volpicelli
Dr. Patricia O’Lynn presents: “Beyond the Walls: School Exclusion and the Path to Peace in Northern Ireland”
Video of Bridging the Atlantic V conference
Video on Dr. Lloyd Meadhbh Houston’s talk, “The North of Ireland, Modernism, and the Medicalization of Sex”
Video of Dr. Karl O’Hanlon’s talk on Ferdinand Levy now available!
The Irish Times covers Georgetown Global Irish Studies and American University’s Washington Summit, marking 25 years of the Good Friday Agreement
GIWPS invites Hillary Clinton, Mary Robinson, Leo Varadkar and others to Georgetown’s campus for 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. Read Article Here.
Videos of Victoria Kennefick and Jessica Traynor poetry reading now available!
Visiting UCD Prof. of Modern History, Robert Gerwarth, to give lecture on February 27: Europe’s Wars in the (Very Long) Twentieth Century, 1912-2022
The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security present: Women at the Helm: The Unfinished Business of the Good Friday Agreement. March 16, 2023.
Videos of Bridging The Atlantic IV panels now available
GIS interviews visiting Irish Fulbright Scholar, Dr. Darragh Gannon
New blog posts from GIS Fellows Maja Ochojska (COL ’23), Siobhán Mitchell (MSGH ’22), and Nicole Marion (COL ’22)
Ryan Conner publishes blog post for ISD about a potential new US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland
GIS Fellow Ryan Conner produces episode of The Europe Desk Podcast about the recent Northern Ireland Assembly elections
GIS Fellows Present Their Research at End of The Year Symposium
IN DC hosted GIS Director Cóilín Parsons and Amb. Dan Mulhall in discussing Ulysses: A Reader’s Odyssey
Colleen Baer (C’22) Wins Figge Fellowship for Research on Peace Making in Northern Ireland Amidst the Church’s Sex Abuse Crisis
GIS Accepts First Cohort of Research Fellows
Walsh School of Foreign Service reports on Bridging the Atlantic III Conference.
Dc and Irish theater professionals join GU English class to discuss innovative visual short story “Sidewalks”
The Embassy of Ireland Welcomes Georgetown Model UN for a Q&A
Global Irish Studies Initiative Now Accepting Applications for Research Fellowships for the 2021-2022 Academic Year
New Student Research Blog–“Bobby Sands in Tehran: Memorialization or Exploitation?” By Colleen Baer, COL ’22
Three GU English Dept. Students Join Ambassador Daniel Mulhall at his house for a Ulysses Masterclass
English Dept. Professor Cóilín Parsons gives keynote lecture at 2021 International James Joyce Symposium
GIWPS board member Monica McWilliams discusses the current challenges in Northern Ireland.
The BMW Center’s Europe Desk Podcast focuses on violence in the streets of Northern Ireland
GIS launches pilot project to recover Irish archives lost in University of Cape Town fire
Program Director of GU Gender+ Justice Initiative to lecture on masculinities in post-colonial Algeria at University College Cork
History Professor Bryan McCann and GU Music host “Brazil Meets Ireland” workshop
Former Irish Ambassador to US publishes GU Diplomacy Case Study
Belfast-based peacemaker Dr. Monica McWilliams joins Lannan Center series “Beyond Identity”
Prof. Cóilín Parsons spoke with President DeGioia about Global Irish Studies, South Africa, books on his nightstand, the humanities, and more!
Faculty advisory board member, Chandra Manning, receives Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award
Press coverage of the 2nd annual Bridging the Atlantic Conference
Irish-born Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, speaks to students at Berkley Center
GU Global Irish to join transatlantic celebration of the 175th anniversary of Frederick Douglass’s tour of Ireland
College Academic Council undergraduate research colloquium features research into Irish influence on Icelandic Laxdæla saga
Statement from leading Irish-Americans in politics and Irish Studies programs commemorating Rep. John Lewis (DHL, McCourt School, ’15) and supporting the fight for racial justice
Georgetown goes to Ireland: MS in Management students tackle global business strategy in Dublin
Recording of Dr. Darragh Gannon’s lecture, “Mapping the Irish World: From Washington-Ireland to London-Ireland,” is now available
Georgetown alumna Meghan Boroughs writes ISD article on Ireland’s recent term on the UN Security Council