“Is it About a Bicycle?” — A series of conversations across disciplines

Is it About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation was a series presented by Solas Nua in association with Georgetown Global Irish Studies Initiative that brought together contemporary Irish writers or writers based in Ireland, with leaders and experts from a variety of sectors to explore their shared interests across disciplines. The title came from Flann O’Brien’s classic comic novel, The Third Policeman, a meandering tale about the nature of time, death, and the absurdity of human existence.

Past Events and Videos

September 25, 2022: Is It About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation VI (Online event). Featuring playwright and academic, Dr. Rosaleen McDonagh in conversation with author Teri Cross Davis. More Info. Video Here.

May 15, 2022: Is it About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation V. (Online Event). Featuring Anmol Tikoo and Nidhi Zak/Aria Eipe, who just published her first collection, Auguries of a Minor God. More info. Video Here.

November 14, 2021: Is it About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation IV. (Online Event). Featuring Kerri ní Dochartaigh, author of Thin Places, and artist Katie Holten. More Info. Video Here.

June 20, 2021: Is it About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation III (Online Event): Christine Dwyer Hickey in conversation with curator Leo Mazow. More info. Video Here.

March 28, 2021: Is it About a Bicycle?: Writers in Conversation II (Online Event): Writer Sara Baume in conversation with filmmaker Pat Collins. More Info. Video Here.

January 17, 2020: Is it About a Bicycle? Writers in Conversation I (Online Event): Adrian Duncan in conversation with Artist and Curator Michele Horrigan. More Info. Video Here.