We regret to announce that, due to travel restrictions, this event has been cancelled

Global Irish Studies at Georgetown University, the LGBTQ Resource Center, and the Department of Linguistics present a seminar by Dr. John Walsh, sociolinguist at the National University of Ireland, Galway
“Queering the revitalisation of a minoritised language: queer speakers of Irish as multilingual subjects”
Dr. Walsh will offer a seminar on the experiences of queer new speakers of the Irish language. His work aims to deepen our understanding of how the fields of multilingualism, second language acquisition and minority language revitalisation have largely overlooked the question of queer sexual identity among (potential) speakers of the languages under study. Based on a case-study of Irish – simultaneously an official but minoritised language of the Irish state – he investigates how queer subjects who report speaking Irish and other languages regularly position themselves in relation to personal sexual and linguistic identity as well as broader ideological frames of national and European identity.