Thursday, March 14, 2024

Posted in Announcements

Speakers and moderator on stage in Riggs Library.
Seated from left to right: deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly, First Minister Michelle O’Neill, and Professor Kimberly Cowell-Meyers.

Global Irish Studies, the BMW Center for German and European Studies, the Georgetown Institute for Women Peace and Security, and the School of Foreign Service presented:

A Conversation with First Minister and deputy First Minister

Michelle O’Neill & Emma Little-Pengelly

Thursday, March 14.

First Ministers and other speakers, with the GIS Program directors standing in front of Georgetown.

On March 14 we were honored to be joined by the newly appointed First Minister and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland on their first official visit to Washington DC. Michelle O’Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly engaged in a wide-ranging discussion on their path to leadership and their plans for the future of Northern Ireland. The conversation was moderated by Prof. Kimberly Cowell-Meyers of American University.

The First Ministers’ conversation was the second annual event in the Washington Forum on Northern Ireland series, a collaboration between Georgetown University Global Irish Studies, Ulster University, American University School of Public Affairs, American University School of International Service, the Washington Ireland Program, and the John and Pat Hume Foundation. The forum is supported by the Northern Ireland Bureau, the Northern Ireland Office, and the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland.

The full video of the discussion can be viewed below.

Full recording of discussion and audience questions.


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