Monday February 28, 2022
The Developing Role of Transnational Networks in Advancing Integrity Regulation
McCourt School of Public Policy in association with Global Irish Studies presented:
Colin Scott, University College Dublin
12:30-1:30PM ET in Old North 205
This was an in-person event, open only to Georgetown students, faculty, and staff.
There is a growing literature on the role of transnational networks in policy diffusion, particularly with respect to regulatory policy and implementation. Yet, further work is needed to ‘unpack’ the functions and processes advanced by such transnational networks. This talk focuses on the field of integrity regulation, discussing the role of public and private transnational actors in developing and sustaining networks in policy fields concerned with oversight of public sector organizations over a range of norms. We discuss four particular functions that those networks serve: (i) operational cooperation, including best practice sharing, and advancement of regulatory norms; (ii) normative pressing for institutional enhancement and improved implementation practices (e.g. monitoring and enforcement) in the national context; (iii) legitimation efforts of their institutional species and practices; and (iv) standard setting.
Colin Scott is Professor of EU Regulation & Governance at University College Dublin, where he currently serves as Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Principal of UCD College of Social Sciences and Law, and Dean of Social Sciences. Some of his major collaborative research projects include an innovative interdisciplinary study of the regulation of the public sector (UK Economic and Social Research Council), a comparative study of liability regulation in local government (ESRC and Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences), and a study of regulation in Ireland (IRCHSS and Institute for Public Administration). His research has focused centrally on the trends of and implications from the fragmentation of regulatory governance. He has more than 100 publications in books, edited books, articles and book chapters with leading journals and presses.